How To Login To A Workstation Using nomachine

to use nomachine, you first have to download the client, see:

The client is free to use but the (free) server only provides one client connection at the time.

In order to use it, you will also have to activate the McGill VPN .

Also worth mentioning is the notion of proxy … for x2go, it refers to a ssh proxy, namely

…while for nomachine it requires a web proxy, which we don’t provide, so don’t use that option!

Use the NX mode on port 4000 to connect to your workstations on

An IMPORTANT note here since we migrated all workstations to a private network and DNS for that subnet was migrated to the domain… using your full workstation name in your configuration will not resolve and your connection attempt will fail. While there are various methods to circumvent that problem, the sure way to solve this is to use your workstation’s IP in the configuration.

So for example, if your workstation’s name is timon, use the following command to identify it’s IP:

~$ host timon has address

then use in your configuration.

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