Dr. Sylvain Baillet' Seminar on Connectivity Measures


I was just wondering when or if at all Dr. Sylvain Baillet’s seminar from 24th April 2017 on different connectivity measures would be uploaded? If possible could it be uploaded any time sooner?

Thank you.

Looking through announcements of recent lectures, I don’t find one matching this description. Do you know the full title of the talk? @sbaill9 did you give such a talk?

Yes, in the context of the MEG@McGill lecture day. The slides will be made available shortly at https://www.mcgill.ca/bic/training-events/training-programs/meg-comprehensive-training . The video shall follow as well.

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Thank you!

The slides are now available for download at the link indicated above. We also have put the videos of the presentations online. Enjoy!