About the MEG forum

This forum is for certified MEG users, for anouncements, general and troubleshooting info, and to get help.

Users currently running a study or soon to do so are strongly encouraged to set up their profile and settings to receive notifications and/or emails for this category.


To setup notifications, watch the MEG category:

  1. Log in. If you have a McGill account, use those credentials but click on LDAP on the right side!

    If you don’t have a McGill account, you can create/request an account, and let me (Marc) know to approve it.
  2. Visit the MEG Category
  3. Click on the bell icon
  4. Select Watch

You can also review these and related settings under your profile preferences:

  1. Click your initials or picture at the top right
  2. Person icon (profile)
  3. Preferences
  4. Tracking (no longer under Notifications > Categories)
  5. Watched: add the MEG category
  6. Under the Email tab, you can disable receiving activity summaries from the whole forum.

I was informed that forum post notifications can be filtered as junk by Outlook! Please keep an eye out for this and add noreply@forum.bic.mni.mcgill.ca to your contacts.